Friday, February 6, 2009


Groups of people with some common interests or characteristics behave and think similarly.  The following poem lists the rules that members of a group must follow in order to remain in the group.  This is a poem about anarchists.  It lists the rules that anarchists must follow.  Actually, they don't have to but most anarchists' beliefs are consistent with this list.  The poem is written in the style of "Girl" by Jamaica Kincaid.  For information on anarchist, such as a definition and philosophy, go to this website.  For examples on governmental abuse of power, go to this website.


Don’t follow rules; don’t respect authority; do not follow tradition; do not trust authority; question everything; protest – or don’t; disagree; do not be patriotic; don’t vote, but I want some say in government; do not follow religion; do not work for the government; do not pay taxes; do not attend town hall assemblies; do not conform to trends; reject the notion of an omnipotent, omnipresent god; think logically; think critically; accept only that which can be confirmed through science; mock radical believers who are incapable of forming thoughts and must be told everything; mock those who follow tradition and believe something by accident of birth; mock those who are willing to sacrifice their lives, or other people’s lives, in the name of a God who condemns killing; laugh at those who believe God loves all people, as long as those people’s beliefs are consistent with their own; view the bible as a novel in fiction; view religion as a mechanism for mind control; religion is as corrupt an institution as government; do not trust the media, the media always lies to promote its own agendas; the media disperses propaganda to control thought; don’t follow rules, rules are designed to keep people subservient; rules are often made arbitrarily to make people conform or keep them obedient; think freely; do not be afraid to think outside the box; question the logic of rules; expose the hypocrisies present in all authorities and institutions; expose politicians as the selfish, greedy, corrupt, power-hungry savages they are; protest the idea of men assuming power over other men; use nature as a guide for an idealistic society, nature has been working well for billions of years; the best entities on the planet are dogs and monkeys, humans should aspire to live like them: stress-free, happy, and completely free do whatever they want; if hierarchies exist in communities or packs the positions are all temporary and easily altered, and alpha dogs don’t seek pure power over others, they seek food and well being for all; Koalas don’t lock each other up for getting high on eucalyptus, they just enjoy life; denounce modern society and refuse to be a part of it, or be apathetic, whatever; follow all these rules or don’t, it doesn’t matter.


  1. Way to post games and truly rebel against the school system! True anarchy at its best! "Groups of people with some common interests or characteristics behave and think similarly." Hopefully this blog can find similar anarchists like yourself. Keep up the great work Evan!

  2. Personally, I liked the unrated version of your poem better. But, this truly is written from your heart Evan. The emotions are so strong I could even feel the love for conformity. Also, you have absurd noises coming from you blog page. But otherwise, well done.

  3. I actually related to this poem and agreed with many of the points.. surprisingly enough. It is exactly who you are and I love the ending: "follow all these rules or don’t, it doesn’t matter."

  4. I found the poem to be very good. You clearly didn't hold anything back and let your feeling and emotions come out through your words. The blog page itself is also very interesting. It's got a lot going on but I don't think it's too much or too over the top.

  5. I liked this version much better then the original version which could of been deemed offensive by many. The poem is very good, and clearly you are talking about something you are passionate. I like the quotes you have... some of them don't work in school like the X-files and ER...overall nice job...and I just wasted 5 minutes playing Pacman

  6. "Koalas don’t lock each other up for getting high on eucalyptus, they just enjoy life." Witty and valid, as is the rest of your poem. I agree with what you wrote and believe your points came across in a great, coherent fashion. Good job (I'm interested in this "unrated" version - consider posting it)!
